The following neighborhoods have described large celebrations. They indeed will stand out above all other neighborhoods.

The Arrowhead/Carolanne Farms area of Kempsville will be offering comfort stations throughout the neighborhoods. The main street of Susquehanna will be growing its diplay. Pods throughout the neighborhood will be brightly lit. You'll find a very special area on the corner of Coventry and Sir Barton. It's always a wonderful stop. Neighbors come to warm up at the fire, listen to holiday music, nibble on some ookies, and sip cocoa. There is always goodies one expects at a holiday event... This area of the neighborhood completely encapsulates what this event is all about - friends, neighbors and children coming together to create magic and memories that will last a lifetime.

Baycliff will be lit from one end to another. Volunteers will be going door-to-door carolling up and down Baycliff Drive. They have a jump on the rest of us. Baycliff started their luminary event a few years before SYLNight was brought to life and because of that, I believe they have the highest number of homes participating than anywhere in the city. In fact, they changed their traditional luminary date to join the SYLNight because they knew first-hand the beauty and the many benefits of having neighbors unite in the spirit of the Holidays.

The Charlestown Woods area will have Santa with hayriding carollers sharing the beauty of song and mounted police officers with their beautiful horses to add to the festivities! They are also offering two large "Celebration Stations" where passerbys can sip cocoa and nibble on some cookies. They will meander through their neighborhood making sure to visit areas that are brightly lit. They will have nearly 1700 luminaries aglow. I believe they will have many different paths to follow.

Homestead area of Kempsville is also announcing how special life can be when neighbors unite. Residents have shared some of their plans... tailgating, lawn and driveway gatherings, walking the neighborhood, and pulling a wagon with hot, homemade chili to share. What a wonderful neighborhood!

Do you wish you lived in a neighborhood like those mentioned above? Did you know you could have it fairly easily. Take action now and contact Illuminate A Cause, LLC to discuss plans for next year! Make your neighborhood just as special as those highlighted above. Talk to three of your neighbors. Go to the store and purchase some white bags, sand and battery operated tea lights. Start your own tradition! Organize your neighborhood one group of neighbors at a time. You can do it!

Create magic, create memories, create relationships!

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Illuminate that golden thread that unites us all... be part of Share Your Light Night each year.

WHAT: Luminaries are illuminated bags set in a line creating a ribbon of light symbolizing neighborhood unity.

WHEN: EVERY YEAR - Generally held on the second Saturday in December each year starting between 6-7PM. It could also be organized for National Night Out in August, or every year for 9-11.

The official time and date is set by each neighborhood organization (civic league, neighborhood watch, unite community neighbor leaders). Each participating group from this time forward are invited to be part of this blog so that they can share their stories, photos, and success.

WHERE: Along the edge of property lines or common areas when permission is granted.

HOW: Coordinate through your Civic League, HOA/Condo Association, Neighborhood Watch group, House of Worship or other community based group. However, as an individual, you can seed this event on your own by getting 3 or so of your neighbors to participate with you.


THE COST: It depends upon you and your neighborhood organization. For more information, contact Illuminate A Cause, LLC at 757-714-2772.

BENEFITS - What difference can this event make?

One word:

By empowering citizens to show solidarity, citizens will work as partners with each other, local Police Departments, Parks and Rec and youth to create solutions to crime and other social issues.

Empowerment and improved safety and security for the neighborhood. Validation of the value of civic leagues and homeowner associations.

Neighborhood unity and camaraderie, a safer community less prone to vandalism.

Better communications and closer relationships between the citizens, civic leagues, city representatives and law enforcement agencies is a good thing. It reduces cost and improves efficiency.

Video of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania sharing their light.

Will you participate?

Pledge Form

Grassroots SYLNight Video