Share Your Light Night
Let’s join together and start a wonderful tradition.

This is an opportunity to come together year after year during the month of December where it’s not just about Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. It’s about neighborhood unity and friendship. Virginia Beach residents would come outside their homes to line their streets, driveways, sidewalks, or balconies with luminaries on the same date and time. Many will gather to roast marshmallows, share warm cider and brownies, sand meet new friends. This event will be a tradition and treasured by all. Now is the time to discuss the SHARE YOUR LIGHT NIGHT luminary display with every person you know in Virginia Beach, as well as all businesses.

It would also help with tourism during the winter months and increase revenue for businesses and restaurants during the holidays in coming years. The benefit we, our city's civic organizations, will reap from starting this tradition will be evident immediately. The excitement to connect is not only alluring, it's needed this day and time. WE, average people, will come together and unite the entire city - and maybe even beyond!

I am looking for individuals to come aboard to help brainstorm and work through the final stages of the event planning and continue the forward progress. This is a wonderful cause and hope there are others that will come aboard the “Luminary” committee.

***You do not have to be a member of a civic league or have a civic league in your neighborhood to help organize or participate in the event. This is open to all. If you do not have a civic league, we will let you know where to get the mentioned safe and reusable luminaries. Just drop us an email.***

We have pulled together to order in bulk so that you can...

  • secure the safest and most durable products at the lowest price available
  • to insure everyone will have available to them fire-resistant safe products at a minimal cost where every community could afford to participate
  • keep the price for the products so low that it will provide an opportunity to raise funds for league projects and local or national charities
  • we can insure stock availability

Why is this so exciting?

  • By having a centralized ordering point, this will lead to the success of the event because the product choice made will in effect establish this tradition because the non-paper products are reusable. a single bundle will consist of one sturdy white bag, reusable plastic base which owners will fill with water or sand to weigh down the bag, and a non-flame tea light which is rated for 25 hours (several lightings).
  • Leagues will sell these items in whatever quantity they feel appropriate.
  • Your civic leagues will have the freedom to manage your own event in deciding whether to use the event to raise funds and for what organization, or simply use the event as a way to unite with neighbors and neighboring civic leagues.

I think it would be a wonderful signature for the city. All neighborhoods would forever become interconnected as if the City was just one large neighborhood with a “small town feeling”. I believe it has many other useful benefits. It would definitely create a “Community for a Lifetime” and imprint a memory that would forever live in the minds of each and every resident, adult and child. I believe, from what I’ve read thus far, it would turn out to be a big draw. I believe the benefits are immeasurable. The limits would be few. Thank you for your time and good works.

Warmly and sincerely,

Brenda, CCO Luminary

Event Committee Chairperson

Phone: (757) 328-9588

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Illuminate that golden thread that unites us all... be part of Share Your Light Night each year.

WHAT: Luminaries are illuminated bags set in a line creating a ribbon of light symbolizing neighborhood unity.

WHEN: EVERY YEAR - Generally held on the second Saturday in December each year starting between 6-7PM. It could also be organized for National Night Out in August, or every year for 9-11.

The official time and date is set by each neighborhood organization (civic league, neighborhood watch, unite community neighbor leaders). Each participating group from this time forward are invited to be part of this blog so that they can share their stories, photos, and success.

WHERE: Along the edge of property lines or common areas when permission is granted.

HOW: Coordinate through your Civic League, HOA/Condo Association, Neighborhood Watch group, House of Worship or other community based group. However, as an individual, you can seed this event on your own by getting 3 or so of your neighbors to participate with you.


THE COST: It depends upon you and your neighborhood organization. For more information, contact Illuminate A Cause, LLC at 757-714-2772.

BENEFITS - What difference can this event make?

One word:

By empowering citizens to show solidarity, citizens will work as partners with each other, local Police Departments, Parks and Rec and youth to create solutions to crime and other social issues.

Empowerment and improved safety and security for the neighborhood. Validation of the value of civic leagues and homeowner associations.

Neighborhood unity and camaraderie, a safer community less prone to vandalism.

Better communications and closer relationships between the citizens, civic leagues, city representatives and law enforcement agencies is a good thing. It reduces cost and improves efficiency.

Video of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania sharing their light.

Will you participate?

Pledge Form

Grassroots SYLNight Video